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Maple Cross JMI & Nursery

Welcome to Beech Team / Year 2

Class Teacher - Ms Stasin


We are looking forward to a great term of learning and developing valuable skills. We know that the
children are only in school for six and a half hours a day so we need parent’s support to ensure children
reach the highest standards. Working together in partnership will make a significant difference to learning

This half term, PE will take place on Mondays & Thursdays. Please come to school wearing PE on both days.

 Home Learning: This is set every Friday and should be returned the following Thursday.

Please encourage your child to practise Timestables and spellings daily.

Please send your child into school with a water bottle everyday and a healthy snack for morning break.


If you need to get in contact with me for any reason, please email:admin@maplecross.herts.sch.uk.  I will aim to respond no later than 48 hours from receiving your email.  


We look forward to a great term!

Ms Stasin

Spring Term 25 Letter 


Spring Term Newsletter