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Maple Cross JMI & Nursery


Maple Cross - Award for Anti Bullying

What is bullying?

There is no one, legal definition of bullying. Maple Cross JMI and Nursery is part of the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and uses their definition to agree what bullying is.

'The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online’


There are four key elements to this definition:

  • hurtful
  • repetition
  • power imbalance
  • intentional


Bullying behaviour can be:

  • Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, pinching etc.
  • Verbal  - name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, belittling.
  • Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures,  ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion.
  • Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, homophobic abuse, exposure to inappropriate films etc.
  • Online /cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending nasty text messages, social exclusion
  • Indirect - Can include the exploitation of individuals.



Who is responsible?

Mrs Trickett is the senior leader who coordinates our whole-school approach to anti-bullying. This means she oversees policies and practice to ensure bullying has no place at Maple Cross. Every term she reports to Governors of any reports of bullying and the actions that follows.

Every adult that works and volunteers at Maple Cross is here to keep you safe. If you have any worries about bullying, you must tell an adult. The adult will listen to your worries and then tell Mrs Trickett.

Our school Governors take reports of bullying very seriously. One of our Governors is responsible for ensuring everyone is taught how to be kind and what to do if they have concerns about bullying. XXX regularly asks Mrs Trickett about bullying and what she is doing to ensure bullying is taking very seriously.

Every learner at Maple Cross is part of our school community. If you have worries about a friend please tell an adult.

Remember our Community Expectation – we care for each other.

Ways to help yourself and others

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors lead events throughout the school year to help everyone understand what bullying is and what to do if you suspect bullying is happening. Here are some more resources –

  1. Tell an adult in school
  2. Tell an adult at home
  3. Ring ChildLine to talk to someone for 0800 1111 or check out their website for more information - https://www.childline.org.uk/

Support for parents, carers and guardians


