Curriculum subject leader: Mrs Emma Bailey
Reading Workshop - November 2023
Parent Phonics Guides:-
parent phonics hand out set 1.pdf
parent phonics hand out set 2 and 3.pdf
reading event handout language.pdf
The Reading Curriculum- 2020 and beyond
At Maple Cross School, the teaching of reading is given the highest significance. We know that by nurturing happy and confident readers, we support children to unlock all areas of potential within the curriculum.
We ensure our learners have regular and varied opportunities to learn and apply reading skills.
We are lucky to have 8 leaders of reading who support Mrs Bailey to promote a love of reading across school. These leaders have many ideas for how they would like to develop reading across all areas of school and meet together weekly to discuss and action key points.
They regularly visit classrooms to promote reading, often recommending texts and encouraging all children to find a book they enjoy.
Click here to see which books they have been recommending.
How reading is taught at Maple Cross School
Reading Sessions (daily lessons)
Phonics (KS1) – Our phonics sessions are taught to children from Summer term in Nursery until completion of the programme in Year 2. When children have secured Phonics and are de-coding words with confidence, they will transition on to whole class reading sessions following an adapted structure of the KS2 whole class reading approach.
Whole Class Reading (KS2) Direct teaching around a central text for the whole class.
Independent Reading Sessions – Children are supported to read phonics texts and individual banded books and are taught how to sustain quiet, independent reading. Throughout the week, focused time is had with each child to support them with personalised feedback and on-going targets. Children are also encouraged to bring in books of choice to incorporate into independent reading sessions.
Reading for Pleasure Sessions – Throughout the week, all classes have timetabled opportunities for reading books of choice and listening to books chosen and read by the teacher. Using classroom libraries, the children are taught how to enjoy and appreciate books, how to discuss books they have read/listened to and how to choose books for their own enjoyment.
Reading Progression
Reading Book Band Progression
Book Band Progression Text progression
Text Progression