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Maple Cross JMI & Nursery

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

EYFS Leader - Ms Jess Coxon

The outdoor environment

Exercising muscles and minds, developing the power to think, feel, do, see and understand. Physical activity in the outdoors is not only crucial for the development of young bones, muscles and neurological systems supporting vision, balance and co-ordination but it also helps our immune system and mains good sleep patterns too. 

The outdoor environment is a key element of our EYFS. Learning outdoors is as valuable as learning inside. It is planned for, and time is dedicated to learning outside. We have a well-resourced, purposeful and dedicated area just for our EYFS children. This includes water areas, mud kitchen and digging areas, construction zones, large scale maths, bikes and more! 

These opportunities provide large-scale, open-ended opportunities to investigate and make sense of the natural world. 

"When children play out of doors, they are exercising their growing intellectual and emotional muscles, as well as their physical ones. They are developing their powers to think, to feel, to do, to see and understand, to represent and express. They are imagining, puzzling, wondering, exploring, befriending and sharing."

Mary Jane Drummond

'Can I Play Out' Outdoor Play in the Early Years (1995)


All staff within the EYFS are passionate about learning outside the classroom. 

"Relationships and trust form the foundation for play, learning and high-quality teaching and engagement."

Kathryn Solly

Risk Challenge and Adventure in the Early Years (2015).  


Adults play a key role in learning outside. Adults nurture independence, promote learning dispositions, build confidence and self-esteem, develop knowledge and skills, meet children's individual needs and extend ideas and develop mastery. 

Whatever the weather we go outside! Don't forget to ensure your child always has a suitable waterproof coat. The school has welly boots ready for the children to borrow.

The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.

All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage – Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five.

Development Matters explains in more detail what this looks like within the school setting.

Preparing you for School – Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years

Getting Ready for School the Healthy Way

Getting Ready for School poster

Early Years at Maple Cross

Early Years at Maple Cross

Communication and Language

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Personal, Social and Emotional

Understanding the World

Understanding the World

Physical Development

Physical Development



Expressive Arts and Design

Expressive Arts and Design

Independent Learning

Independent Learning

Eco Warriers

Eco Warriors

Working Together

Working Together